I’ve found myself not using my camera so much in the last two days. I haven’t been seeking people out, learning their stories. I’ve spent most of my time just walking along the lakesides that rest beneath Japan’s most famous…
A Haiku in Izu
I regard the dawn along the Izu coastline– water kisses flame.
In Aberdeen
I left my heart in Aberdeen, The city by the sea, Where stones are gray And gulls do play And still the shipmen feel the sway Of boats just come from sea. I found my love in Aberdeen; Her heart…
Train-Bus-Boat-Bus: Robert Burns’ Day
I wouldn’t have guessed it, but the land is even more beautiful as I head north. The sun is rising. The hills are dotted with white sheep, and stone cottages amid clumps of trees reveal themselves. How have I waited over 40 years to come here?